Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30

I hate counting calories. Especially at dinner... having to add up all the ingredients then divide by servings. It's dinner, not math class!
(These are a few ingredients from our dinner tonight. Can you guess what we had?)

March 29

Grocery day! We have a lot going on this week so I won't be cooking dinner as much. We normally have a lot more bags than this!

March 28

I love finding things on the clearance rack at Target!

March 27

Sara & Sophie are visiting Kentucky again for a few days. Sara's mom watched Sophie so Sara, Blake and I could go have a grown ups only dinner. When we got back Sophie was sleeping. So sweet!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26

My new print of Maggie. (That I need to hang a few inches higher.) It's 16"x20" :) You can see how huge it is in comparison to the light switch. I love it!!

March 25

Babysitting fun w/ Elizabeth
And even though this blog is supposed to be photos, this video was too funny not to post. I love that she says 'cheeeeeese' at the end.
 Sorry it's sideways :(

March 24

Easter decorations

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 23

When my old computer crashed, we lost all of our music and just hadn't taken the time to load all of our CDs onto the new computer. In 2 1/2 weeks, Blake and I will be taking a road trip to Florida to spend the week with Sara, Joe & Sophie so we needed to update our iPods for the trip! This is about 1/3 of the stack of CDs we loaded/are loading onto the computer. It's taking forever!

March 22

Sunday was a GORGEOUS day, so we spent a few hours outside. It was so nice to be outside in shorts and a tube top and still be warm!! It's been a long winter.

My wonderful husband washed both cars while I sat in a chair and worked on my tan :) I did help vacuum the inside of the cars, though!

March 21

We decided to have a lazy night at home and play cards and board games. First, we had to go to Walmart to stock up on junk food and soda... we don't have much of that around the house lately since we are trying to eat healthier. (More healthy?) We couldn't decide which chips to get, so we got all 3! We called it our 'buffet o' chips.' We're dorks, I know.

March 20

Blake has been eating a lot of fruit while on his diet. I was getting annoyed with it just sitting on the counter, so we got this stand/bowl thing at Target. I love it and it just so happens to fit perfectly under my new H. Love it when that happens!

March 19

Maggie being cute. (I should have cropped this, but I'm too lazy.)

March 18

It's been almost a week since I updated... oops!

I got a new cell phone to use as my business line. It's a pain to remember to take both phones with me when I go somewhere, but I LOVE the new phone! Best of all, it was free with the contract. Yay!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This is one of our favorite holidays for some reason. I have more St. Patty's decorations than any other holiday - with the exception of Christmas, of course. Here are a few of the things we put out this year...
1. A very wrinkled towel hanging on the oven. (And my shamrock socks in the reflection.), 2. Candle holder, 3. Candy bowl, 4. Spoon rest, 5. Another wrinkled towel next to the sink, 6. My favorite, the garland on the mantel

Blake wanted me to post a picture of him in his green tuxedo shirt, but I'll spare you :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 16

Why does chicken look so gross when it's baking? Yuck. Thankfully, it ended up tasting really good. We used it for calzones. Yum!

March 15

This picture speaks for itself :)

March 14

When I was in college, I didn't have a stove or oven in my dorm room - just a microwave. I hate pre-packaged rice krispy treats, so whenever I wanted one I would have to make them in the microwave. The habit stuck, and now even though I have the appliances to make them the correct way, it's much faster and easier to just continue making them in the microwave. They taste just as good and are much less messy! (As long as you use a paper plate and plastic fork.)

March 13

I can't find a picture for this day. It is lost somewhere in the hundreds (literally) of folders on my computer containing photos. I'll keep looking, but wanted to be able to keep posting in the meantime. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

March 12

My favorite photo album from Anthropologie. It holds all the images from our session with the amazing Rich Smith. I love it and the wonderful prints inside. It sits on our coffee table and I flip through it at least once a week :) 
We also have a collection of Rich's photos on our mantel as well as a large gallery wrap hanging in the living room. When we have guests over, I wonder if they think we are vain for having so many photos of ourselves up :) I just loved them so much I had to put them on display so I could see them everyday!

March 11

This is pretty much what our day consisted of Wednesday: laying around doing a bunch of nothing. Blake came home from work at about 10:30am which is really not like him. I can count on one hand the number of times he has left work early or called in sick. He stayed in bed for a few hours then moved to the couch for the rest of the day. I had an afternoon appointment that ended up canceling so I stayed home and was lazy with him... it was actually kind of nice!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 10

Last night I had dinner with an old friend and met her son for the first time. SO cute! 

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9

Tonight our friends Preston & Melissa came over for dinner. I tried to take a self-portrait but my arms weren't quite long enough :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 8

Tonight Blake kept playing a fishing game on his iPod touch. I wanted to see what all the excitement was about so I asked if I could play. It was SO much fun! First I caught this fish, which I thought was really big...
...but then I caught this fish!! I was so excited!!!

Blake caught this one. He wins! :)

March 7

I got some new stuff for the kitchen on my trip to Kohl's. (Yesterday's post) I also got some new towels & rugs, but forgot to take a picture.

Another 'H' to add to my collection.
New candles/candle holders, an apple and a pear. (The apple is on the other side.) The candles/candle holders were on clearance! And I also finally found a place for my new print. It always looks pink in pictures, but I promise it's not. 

March 6

I was feeling a little cranky Friday so I took a mini-shopping trip by myself. It included Kohl's, Walmart and a yummy shake! Instant mood lifter!

March 5

I used to LOVE the chicken pot stickers from TGI Fridays. They discontinued them a few months ago and I was very sad. I found a bag in the freezer section on our shopping trip and thought I would give them a try. They were AMAZING! Even better than the TGI Friday's version! I forgot to take a picture until after we were done eating. They look kind of gross in the picture :)

March 4

Remember the coupons from this post? We saved $38.39 between coupons and our Kroger card! (We usually shop at Walmart.) We were very excited. So excited, I apparently couldn't hold the camera still enough to take a photo that wasn't blurry :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 3

This is what Maggie does every day when Blake comes home from work. As soon as she hears the garage door open, she jumps up from where she is sleeping and stands by the door. She looks at the door, looks at me, looks at the door. And oh my goodness her tail wags SO FAST! Once she hears Blake's car beep (when he locks the doors) she starts spinning until he walks in the door. Today, I happened to have my camera next to me when Blake came home. I'm so glad I was finally able to get a picture! (Or five!)

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 2

I was feeling rather lazy the last few days and put off doing the laundry. Today I decided to tackle it and did about 5 loads! Our bed was covered! Here it is before folding:
And after:
What's really sad is that there are sheets in the dryer and I still have 1 or 2 loads to do tomorrow! We sure do make a lot of dirty laundry for just two people!

March 1

Last week, Blake and I made a dinner plan and grocery list to help us not eat out so often. It worked great! I cooked almost every night last week. And even the nights I didn't actually cook, we had sandwiches or something else at home. This week I took it a step further by clipping coupons. I tried to base this weeks dinner plan around what I had coupons for. I'm not sure how successful I'll be, since it seems like I'm buying things I don't necessarily need right now just to use the coupon. We'll see... if nothing else I will save a few bucks this week!

February 28

A couple of years ago, my grandpa hung these cabinets for me in the laundry room. We purposefully left a space to the right to put a shelf so I could use it for clothes that needed to be hung dry. This weekend, Blake hung the shelf for me!! It's nothing fancy, but I love it :)

February 27

I want to have a big display of Hs on a wall in my house. Similar to this or this. For now, I just have this one. (And a frame that needs a picture.)